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In-Home Dog Training Classes: Navigating Holiday Guests with a Reactive Dog

The holiday season is upon us, bringing joy, laughter, and the warmth of friends and family. While you may be looking forward to this time of year and all its festivities, the hustle and bustle of holiday gatherings can be overwhelming for our canine companions, especially those with reactive tendencies. As you prepare to welcome loved ones into your home for the holidays, or for any occasion, the last thing you want to worry about is your furry friend's reactive behavior. Here are a few tips to help your dog be more at ease so you can enjoy your guests this holiday season:

1. Establish a Quiet Retreat: Create a designated safe space where your dog can go when the holiday hustle becomes too much. This can be a crate or bed in a quiet room of the house away from all the action. Make sure to train this as a valuable space well before the holidays so that your dog is comfortable and happy to spend time there.

2. Create a Visitor Protocol: For some dogs, the sound of the doorbell leads to an immediate spike in arousal that causes them to bark at, jump up on and even nip visitors in your home. If this sounds like your furry friend, alleviate that stress by establishing a visitor protocol:

a. Train your dog to run to their safe space when the doorbell rings. This is a great way to manage your dog and keep them calm during the arrival of visitors.

b. Offer your dog a safe long-lasting chew or stuffed food toy to help them relax and stay calm as guests enter.

c. Build a foundation of manners to teach your dog how you want them to behave when guests are in your home.

3. Make Sure Your Dog Gets Enough Rest: This is perhaps the most overlooked and important concept in dog training. Dogs need 17-20 hours of quality rest every day in order to be able to control their behavior. Most dog struggles are exacerbated by the fact that dogs are overstimulated, and not getting enough rest! Make sure your dog gets a few formal naps a day away from the hustle and bustle of the household.

Not sure how to get started? Contact Hospitable Hounds to set up a free introductory phone call! Liz, the seasoned trainer at Hospitable Hounds, understands the unique challenges that come with owning a reactive dog. Her in-home dog training sessions are designed to address your dog’s specific behavior struggles, ensuring a harmonious and stress-free life with your four-legged family member.

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